Thursday, August 27, 2020
No Future Essay Example For Students
No Future Essay No Future?When investigating the future individuals see a wide range of things. Regardless of whether it be flying vehicles, structures skimming noticeable all around, or individuals strolling around in space suits, everybody has their own thought. More often than not when individuals investigate the future they look far into it, not in the following quite a long while. What's to come is normally characterized as at least twenty years past the present. Numerous motion pictures and stories expounded on the future world appear to have the normal topic that innovation will have a major influence in the improvement of things to come. The improvement of innovation will prompt the advances that will bring the world into the following century and past. George Lucas film THX 1138 and Robert Zemeckis Back to the Future are the two instances of motion pictures that depict innovation and the advances of things to come. THX 1138 and Back to the Future both depict innovation as a risk to society that could at last lead to its destruction. George Lucas made THX 1138 some time before he got celebrated in his later films. He put together the film with respect to his film that he utilized as his alumni venture and theory. It was his first endeavor at coordinating and delivering a Hollywood film. His objective was to make a film that would show the future condition of the world if it somehow managed to proceed on its way of the quest for flawlessness of everything. He shows the future as a spot that numerous individuals would most likely not have any desire to live or to be related with. Lucas shows that everybody will be the equivalent. Individuals will wear a similar garments and have a similar hair style. Names are not, at this point a piece of society. In the film every individual is given a prefix of letters followed by a number. They are fundamentally drones who follow orders. Innovation has progressed so far that each movement or activity of the individual is observed. Whenever that one of them accomplishes something incorrectly it promptly shows up on the PC screen with respect to what they are doing and what their number is. It is feasible for the PC to screen the entirety of their fundamental signs and mental movement. Every individual is painstakingly observed and viewed. The individuals are determined what to do and act dependent on how they were prepared. They work in movements of work and are nearly expansions of the PC that instructs them. There is no additionally speculating about infection or how an individual is feeling. Everything is taken care of to a PC which forms the data and makes sense of what to do. PCs have started to control the lives of the individuals and it is nearly to the point that they are running society overall. PCs are no longer gadgets that improve life for people; people are presently gadgets that help PCs. Science has built up a medication that keeps the individuals compliant and nearly with no idea of their own. The medications remove the people capacity to think and to be imaginative. Unexpectedly it was those ascribes that prompted the improvement of the entirety of that innovation in any case. People are no longer permitted to have an independent perspective. Rather than individuals controlling the improvement of innovation; innovation is presently controlling the advancement of the individuals. Perhaps the best scene that tells about the innovation of this film happens in the jail. The individuals who have overstepped the laws are sent to a region that is thoroughly white. No other shading can be scene. They are placed into machines and compelled to consume the medications and the PC screens them. Simply through a few test the whole body of the individual can be checked for what's up. The individual is determined the status of like a machine. The PC at that point chooses how to manage the individual. At the point when individuals are dealt with like machines and not permitted any opportunity of thought it is exceptionally risky to society as we probably am aware it. This could without much of a stretch end society through the outflow of people groups rights. .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b , .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b .postImageUrl , .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b , .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b:hover , .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b:visited , .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b:active { border:0!important; } .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b:active , .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b:hover { haziness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-improvement: underline; } .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-embellishment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u89becdf3ad0a5af 6ef0bc04de565bf8b .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u89becdf3ad0a5af6ef0bc04de565bf8b:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Hiv And Aids EssayThere are not very many positive sides to this general public. There is no issue of human mistake in society.Computers settle on the greater part of the choices. There is basically no issue with wrongdoing or viciousness since the entirety of the individuals are so controlled and viewed. While those two constructive perspectives may appear to be acceptable to certain individuals, the general public that was made is not.All of the things within individuals that caused it workable for innovation to be created to have been removed. There is no greater imagination or independence. Everybody is the equivalent and the y have no real way to be a person. There is no heart and no fun associated with life any more. The general public is not, at this point a general public of individuals. It is a general public of machines. The individuals have become the innovation. The innovation that the individuals endeavored to make and control, presently controls them. Robert Zemeckis shows an a lot more pleasant and more joyful future in Back to the Future. Innovation is still present, however the individuals are still in charge. Society is nearly a similar spot as it is today. The individuals despite everything work and still have their own character and still settle on choices for themselves. Nothing appears to have transformed from the present aside from a few advances in innovation. Zemeckis decides to focus on one part of innovation that has been created in this future time. That one principle viewpoint is the advancement of the innovation fundamental for time travel to occur. Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) has built up a time machine. It looks simply like a DeLorean, yet it has been altered to permit it to go into the future or go into the past. Marty (Michael J. Fox) gets in the vehicle to get away from risk and winds up in a timeframe before he was destined to when his folks were his age. He returns and disregards the advances that have been made in innovation among at that point and the time where he was living. He continues recalling things from the future that are not in the timespan in which he is abandoned. Indeed, even his garments speak to changes that have happened in innovation in the couple of years that isolated these double cross periods. Innovation is genuinely apparent in the manner that things look and how things are run. Time travel is certainly not another idea of innovation, yet it is another idea which is accepted to have been imagined this short separation into what's to come. The innovation that was utilized to build up this machine depended on a thought that had happened to the researcher long previously. Innovation in this general public has took into consideration the machine to be created. The general public all in all has not transformed from the present without a doubt. The time machine is by all accounts the main contrast. It is terrifying to feel that individuals could utilize this innovation to go all through time. The main issue with it is that it very well may be utilized to change history. When Marty comes back from his excursion, he understands that he has made a substitute future. Innovation would now be able to be utilized to change the past just as what's to come. It has made it feasible for individuals to control all the occasions that have ever occurred throughout the entire existence of the world. Back to the Future presents an a lot more pleasant image of things to come than does Lucas in THX 1138. It shows that it has not changed without a doubt. The one thing that is alarming is that the future could be continually changing, if the innovation of the time machine was made accessible to everybody. This would imply that there would be no set future for the world. Every individual would attempt to change the future so everything would profit themselves. This would prompt the in the end obliteration of society and possibly no future by any means. .u5ef8f9fd3391626ee400350b323bc686 , .u5ef8f9fd3391626ee400350b323bc686 .postImageUrl , .u5ef8f9fd3391626ee400350b323bc686 .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u5ef8f9fd3391626ee400350b323bc686 , .u5ef8f9fd3391626ee400350b323bc686:hover , .u5ef8f9fd3391626ee400350b323bc686:visited , .u5ef8f9fd3391
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Financial Accounting Concepts of Accounting
Question: Depict about the Financial Accounting for Concepts of Accounting. Answer: Presentation The accompanying examination inspects the different ideas of bookkeeping and its significance in Australian just as the worldwide market. Other than this, it evaluates the issues in estimation of expenses. With the end goal of this investigation, Caltex Australia has been chosen. The brand supplies quality grease items that incorporate motor oils, driveline liquids just as water driven oils and mechanical items. The yearly report of the year 2015 has been assessed to gauge the bookkeeping approaches and the methodologies of the organization. Assessment of Accounting Concepts As indicated by Brinca et al. (2016), the bookkeeping ideas envelop an expansive scope of exchanges and bookkeeping exercises in the business element. Be that as it may, there have been issues in the estimation of bookkeeping identifying with the benefits, liabilities just as expenses. With regards to Caltex Australia, there have been issues identifying with the estimation of compensation offered to the business endeavor (De Simone 2016). All things considered, the administration of the business element needs to take the important measures so the compensation approach holds fast to the AASB system. In such manner, it tends to be expressed that traits like the adjustments in the bookkeeping strategies embraced by a business venture just as the unstable economic situations can affect the operational approaches of the business element. As per Bull (2014), the valuation of advantages just as the expenses is the basic factors that would affect the operational techniques of a business unde rtaking. Also, the valuation of the expenses is another issue with regards to all around rumored organizations working in Australia. Bull (2014) referenced that the brand has been following the reasonable worth estimation idea that gauges the monetary resources of the organization dependent on the current economic situation of the business undertaking. All things considered, in the present worldwide market the reasonable worth estimation idea is the most important device in the estimation of the benefits present in a business endeavor. As per Hartmann and Mouritsen (2013), the estimation of cost is one of the most appropriate issues that has been influencing the budgetary and the operational techniques of the business substance. Along these lines, it stays important to gauge costs in a suitable way that would be pertinent and according to the changing bookkeeping measures in the business element. Issues in Measurement There have been issues identifying with estimation for business substances that have customarily followed the IASB/AASB measures in setting up the year-finished fiscal reports. These components have prompted monetary just as operational issues for the business substance. Changes in the Market Conditions-Kaplan and Atkinson (2015) expressed that the modifications in the economic situations ought to adversy affect the estimation issues of the business element. An unstable economic situation will prompt money related precariousness for the business element and will prompt estimation issues for the business substance. As indicated by Cortesi et al. (2015 the business substance will need to conform to the changing economic situations and would lead the business endeavor to money related strength in the worldwide market. With regards to Caltex Australia, the brand works in an amazingly helpless market condition. Thusly, it is fundamental for the business element to create estimation gives that can alter towards quick changes in the worldwide market. Bookkeeping Method Frequent changes in the bookkeeping technique would affect the money related procedures of the business substance. De Simone et al (2016) expressed that the modifications in the bookkeeping strategy would forestall successful correlation with the previous long periods of the association. Ineffectual bookkeeping strategy for the business substance would hamper the current business functionalities for the business undertaking and wastage of the budgetary assets for a business endeavor. The association clings to the AASB rule in setting up its year-finished fiscal reports for the business undertaking. With regards to Caltex Australia, the brand has been following the AASB bookkeeping technique over a period. Be that as it may, visit changes in the bookkeeping technique would prompt money related inconsistencies. Variable costs Deegan (2012) expressed that it is typical that the variable costs would not stay consistent with each progressive year. All things considered, it is vital that variable costs of the associations must be represented and the year-finished budget summaries be arranged in like manner. On account of Caltex Australia, the variable costs have been a significant piece of the consumption in executing the operational functionalities of the business element (Gray 2014). Hence, Caltex Australia has rolled out auxiliary improvements to the current business functionalities of the associations to decide its variable costs in a half-yearly and yearly way. Acknowledgment of Assets and Liabilities-In AASB gauges the advantages and the liabilities of the association can must be perceived just when it causes advantages and cost to the business substance (Holmes 2012). In that capacity, the acknowledgment of advantages relies upon the budgetary advantages it brings towards the association. In this manner, it becomes vital that the budgetary advantages emerging from the benefits can be estimated and characterized in money related terms. Such evaluations are not generally conceivable and this prompts issues in the estimation of the advantages and the liabilities in a business endeavor. Fues et al. (2013) referenced that Caltex Australia has confronted issues in the ongoing occasions in regards to the acknowledgment and the appraisal of the benefits just as the liabilities of the business association. Rebelliousness with the AASB standard Dark (2014) referenced that rebelliousness with the AASB standard would affect the budgetary realness just as significance of the bookkeeping information entered in the fiscal summaries of the business substance. Such estimation forms have been created to guarantee that the budget reports uncover the specific subtleties of the money related state of a business venture. As indicated by Haider (2015), the resistance with the AASB standard would prompt the unbalanced distribution of costs in a business association. Other than this, the resistance with this standard can likewise bring about erroneous appraisal of the budgetary state of the business element. These are the issues in the estimation of bookkeeping, which has been influencing the financial state of all inclusive presumed business undertakings working in Australia. With regards to Caltex Australia, the estimation in bookkeeping will need to rely upon two elements, which incorporates the unit of the estimation and the appropriate ascribe that is required to be estimated. As indicated by Hartmann and Mouritsen (2013), the diverse money related units that can be estimated are chronicled cost, and the net feasible worth. In addition, this remembers the current worth strategy for surveying the current incomes in the business association. In this manner, presumed business substances as though Caltex Australia has been receiving the reasonable worth strategy just as the current worth technique in surveying the budgetary state and distinguishing the important money related estimates that can be embraced to make remedial move. Be that as it may, Hodgson and Russell (2014) noticed that the current worth device is an ongoing development from the FASB explanation that helps in distinguishing the incomes in the association. All things considered, the releva nt bookkeeping issue on account of Caltex Australia is to distinguish the estimation device that would be generally reasonable for the brand in surveying the existent money inflows and the money outpourings in the business element. Bookkeeping guideline The most applicable bookkeeping rules that are embraced by worldwide business substances working in Australia is the acknowledgment bookkeeping standard. Holmes (2012) expressed that the acknowledgment bookkeeping standard identifies with the accumulation technique for bookkeeping in setting up the year-finished bookkeeping proclamations for a business element. In any case, Hopper (2012) noticed that the acknowledgment bookkeeping standard has certain downsides. Other than this, the administration of the business element has neglected to build up the acknowledgment bookkeeping standards according to the current needs of the business venture. Also, the acknowledgment bookkeeping rule can be possibly met if certain conditions are satisfied. These incorporate the accompanying: The gaining procedure will must be finished There should be a sensible conviction or confirmation to assemble income for the business substance Subsequently, the acknowledgment bookkeeping standard can be just appropriate if the above conditions are accomplished. Consequently, this bookkeeping guideline has a limited degree. Significance and Representational Faithfulness in Accounting The yearly report of Caltex Australia has been readied thinking about its importance and credibility to the pertinent gatherings in a business endeavor. As indicated by Ismail and King (2014), Caltex Australia has been keeping up due determination and genuineness in the planning of the budget summaries. Along these lines, the administration of the business association needs to take the important measures to build up the operational just as the money related measures in holding the legitimacy of the budget summaries arranged in a business element. Other than this, the business substance has been putting forth due attempts in checking every one of the exchanges to build genuineness. Ismail and King (2014) expressed that illustrative loyalty identifies with setting up the records with legitimacy and trust, and without having any inclination to any gathering. Along these lines, the budget reports would mirror the genuine budgetary state of the business element and help the partners mama
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Symbolic Pearl in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays
Pearls have constantly held an extraordinary cost to humanity, yet no pearl had ever been earned at as high an expense to an individual as in Hester Prynne, a ground-breaking Heroine in Nathaniel Hawthorneââ¬â¢s tale The Scarlet Letter. Her girl Pearl, naturally introduced to a Puritan jail in a bigger number of ways than one, is a confounding character serving altogether as a vehicle for imagery. From her presentation as a baby on her motherââ¬â¢s platform of disgrace to the turbulent pinnacle of the story, Pearl is a compassionate and smart youngster. All through the story she retains the concealed feelings of her mom and amplifies them for all to see. Pearl is the substance of artistic imagery. She is, now and again, a vehicle for Hawthorne to communicate the conflicting and translucent characteristics of Hester and Dimmesdaleââ¬â¢s unlawful security, and at different occasions, an intense token of her motherââ¬â¢s sin. Pearl Prynne is her motherââ¬â¢s most valuable belonging and her solitary motivation to live, yet Pearl likewise fills in as an extremely valuable fortune bought with Hesterââ¬â¢s life. Pearlââ¬â¢s bizarre excellence and profoundly puzzling characteristics make her the most impressive image Hawthorne has ever made. The result of Hesterââ¬â¢s sin and misery, Pearl, was an agonizingly steady token of her motherââ¬â¢s infringement of the Seventh Commandment: Thou shalt not submit infidelity. Hester herself felt that Pearl was given to her as a gift as well as a discipline more terrible than death or lowness. She is tormented by her daughterââ¬â¢s infantile prodding and interminable addressing about the red letter and its connection to Minister Dimmesdale. After Pearl has made a letter ââ¬Å"Aâ⬠on her own bosom out of kelp, she asks her mom: But in great sincere, presently, mother dear, what does this red letter mean? - and why dost thou wear it on thy chest? - and for what reason does the pastor keep his hand over his heart? In saying this Pearl infers that she knows a whole lot more about the red letter than she lets on. All through the discussion Pearl is mischievous and prodding, saying a certain something and negating it before long. She will not say exactly what she implies, which makes it hard for Hester to offer a straight response. Hester is stunned that her fun loving little girl has lead their discussion to the subject of the red letter, and much progressively upset that she has accepted Hesterââ¬â¢s letter and Dimmesdaleââ¬â¢s propensity for squeezing his hand to his heart a branch from a similar issue. The Symbolic Pearl in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter expositions Pearls have constantly held an extraordinary cost to humankind, however no pearl had ever been earned at as high an expense to an individual as in Hester Prynne, a ground-breaking Heroine in Nathaniel Hawthorneââ¬â¢s tale The Scarlet Letter. Her little girl Pearl, naturally introduced to a Puritan jail in a bigger number of ways than one, is a perplexing character serving completely as a vehicle for imagery. From her presentation as a newborn child on her motherââ¬â¢s platform of disgrace to the blustery pinnacle of the story, Pearl is a compassionate and smart youngster. All through the story she ingests the shrouded feelings of her mom and amplifies them for all to see. Pearl is the substance of abstract imagery. She is, now and again, a vehicle for Hawthorne to communicate the conflicting and translucent characteristics of Hester and Dimmesdaleââ¬â¢s unlawful security, and at different occasions, a mighty token of her motherââ¬â¢s sin. Pearl Prynne is her motherââ¬â ¢s most valuable belonging and her solitary motivation to live, however Pearl additionally fills in as an inestimable fortune bought with Hesterââ¬â¢s life. Pearlââ¬â¢s weird excellence and profoundly baffling characteristics make her the most remarkable image Hawthorne has ever made. The result of Hesterââ¬â¢s sin and misery, Pearl, was a horrendously consistent token of her motherââ¬â¢s infringement of the Seventh Commandment: Thou shalt not submit infidelity. Hester herself felt that Pearl was given to her as a gift as well as a discipline more terrible than death or shame. She is tormented by her daughterââ¬â¢s immature prodding and interminable addressing about the red letter and its connection to Minister Dimmesdale. After Pearl has made a letter ââ¬Å"Aâ⬠on her own bosom out of ocean growth, she asks her mom: But in great sincere, presently, mother dear, what does this red letter mean? - and why dost thou wear it on thy chest? - and for what reason does the pastor keep his hand over his heart? In saying this Pearl infers that she knows a whole lot more about the red letter than she lets on. All through the discussion Pearl is mischievous and prodding, saying a certain something and repudiating it before long. She won't state exactly what she implies, which makes it hard for Hester to offer a straight response. Hester is stunned that her fun loving little girl has lead their discussion to the subject of the red letter, and considerably increasingly upset that she has accepted Hesterââ¬â¢s letter and Dimmesdaleââ¬â¢s propensity for squeezing his hand to his heart a branch from a similar issue.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Constitution And The United States - 1830 Words
The Constitution was written with one principal issue in mind: factions. This central point of tension within any government has remained a founding principle in the United States, and a strong national government is the answer to this issue. By creating a representative and balanced national core the country is given the best chances to avoid tyranny. While these ideals have worked well in the United States, the Constitution has fallen short of its original goals. Control of the US is now placed in a two party system, and too often in corporate control, both factions inadequately checked by the current system. A document rooted in 200 year old ideology has seen its time come and go, and today the nation needs a new base, founded on theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Madison postulates that a larger national government will more effectively prevent tyranny for two reasons. He states first that ââ¬Å"representatives must be raised to a certain number, in order to guard against the cab als of a fewâ⬠. With only a limited number of representatives, the ability for a faction to take control is greater. Increased diversity with in the deciding body is necessary to protect against these dangers. He also states that a larger pool of voters can prevent unethical swaying of elections, and therefore prevent tyranny. Another view presented in The Federalist Papers was the necessity of a cumbersome government. An expedient government is one in which laws can be changed quickly, and one in which justice is easily avoided. An example can be taken from the Committee of Public Safety during the French revolution. Here, expediency was great and tyranny the result. The constitution addresses the controlling of faction specifically. The systemââ¬â¢s aim is to create a cumbersome, checked government that will prevent a faction control. The principle method employed to achieve this end is to divide powers, and to create a system of checks and balances to insure that each pow er achieves their designated role within the whole of the government. The powers outlined being the legislative, the executive, and the judicial; each piece checking the others. Take, for example, the legislative
Friday, May 15, 2020
What is Patriotism - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 701 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/02/20 Category Politics Essay Level High school Tags: Patriotism Essay Did you like this example? What is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of a patriot? When I think of a patriot, someone that respects, loves, and is loyal to his country is someone that comes to mind for me. Being in a family that has had multiple people go and serve in the armed forces in different branches and now being deceased, I see the flags that have been passed down to my parents and think these are the real heros. The past is full of patriots that have helped either shape or help America in some way. During the Revolutionary War the Colonists wanted freedom from the taxation and religious rules that the British had set to control their country and those who left to find a better place. The Colonist fought for what they believed was right and wanted to fight for a country that was not fully developed yet. They had seen the potential that this land could hold and began to shape it into the country we live in today. People like Abraham Lincoln that have made a big difference in the time period are patriots to me because they saw a problem in society and had figured out a way to solve it. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "What is Patriotism?" essay for you Create order Today, there are very little patriots because everyone believes that they are above everyone else. Now there are protest during the National Anthem and protesting that certain lives matter more than the other, but people have gone away from what this country was founded on. The separation that is in this country could tear it apart because everyone thinks they are right and will fight till death to prove they are right. There are certain people like Veterans that can tell you what this country is, meaning the freedom he/she was fighting for, the bond of brotherhood that is formed when you work with people day after day, and the blessing it is to live here compared to other countries that control every little aspects of life there is. When I think of a patriot I think of someone who flies American flag in there front yard everyday, is stubborn and resilient, someone who puts others first, believes that this country is full of opportunities and will go out there comfort zone to defend it. My great-Grandfather was the type where his mind set was this country is the best and he worked on trains and coal mines to support his family. He also served and talked about it all the time, growing up with that was a good example of a patriot because he showed how we (the upcoming generation) should respect this country and the history it has and to help it any way you can. Heros, and traveled with the USO to see all the troops that were fending for there country and to give thanks for what they are doing. With supporting the troops and supporting the true heros he received the congressional gold medal and the presidential medal of freedom. While he had stomach cancer, his legacy lives on today with not only his movies but also with his cancer foundation that was formed in 1985 to help with funding for cancer research. Playing these war heros gave him an insight of what was really going on for this country. John had said ââ¬Å"My hope and prayer is that everyone know and love our country for what she really is and what she stands for.â⬠(Good Reads) In conclusion a patriot is a normal person that loves his/her country and supports it with great passion. As Harry Truman said ââ¬Å"America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand. (Kravits). People need to realize that this country was founded so that we would have freedom but it was not just given to us, past generations had to fight for it and many lost their lives for it. Now PATRIOTISM is taken for granted and is pushed aside as not important. ââ¬Å"When the road looks rough ahead, remember the ââ¬ËMan Upstairsââ¬â¢ and the word H-O-P-E. Hang on to both and tough it outâ⬠(John wayne Quotes).
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Death of a Salesman - 1187 Words
Death of a Salesman There are some who would argue that it is precisely the ultra-capitalist mentality of individuals like Willy Loman that has propelled the American Economy to global dominance, but Arthur Millerââ¬â¢s classic work ââ¬Å"Death of a Salesmanâ⬠begs the question: at what cost? What does it do to a person, this desperate need to ââ¬Å"be number one man?â⬠Each of Willyââ¬â¢s sons draw a different lesson from his life and their assertions about how one should live offer a compelling choice for modern readers. A psychological need to be the best, a deep desire for being universally liked, and an irrational longing to impress strangers with wealth and status are heavy burdens to carry ââ¬â especially when they are inherited from parents andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Biff has begun to develop an alternative view of his father and the lifestyle he leads. Gradually he begins to feel that something is fundamentally wrong with this way of thinking and way of living. He wonders if itââ¬â¢s not more important in life to spend time doing things that you find personally fulfilling rather than using all your energies to chase elseââ¬â¢s dream or trying to earn someone elseââ¬â¢s approval. Biff was imbued with all the same traits as his younger brother, he felt perhaps subconsciously that being good looking and well liked would be enough to get him through life but has learned that is not true. Biff Loman eventually realizes what a sham his life, his brotherââ¬â¢s life, and his fatherââ¬â¢s life is. He confronts finally confronts Willy after discovering Willyââ¬â¢s intention to kill himself and declares that ââ¬Å"Youââ¬â¢re practically full of it! We all are! And Iââ¬â¢m through with it!â⬠(1512) Willy Loman is furious and he refuses to see what a house of cards his whole life is. He canââ¬â¢t bear the fact that his life does not fit the preconceived notions he had about it. Biff angrily tell him ââ¬Å"Pop! Iââ¬â¢m a dime a dozen, and so are you!â⬠Willy has for so long nurtured the belief that he and his sons are somehow special, and immune, to the pressures of the world that this is unacceptable. After Willyââ¬â¢s death, Biff sadly reflects on how ââ¬Å"He never knew who he wasâ⬠(1516) but Happy vows to continue on the sameShow MoreRelatedThe Death Of A Salesman1496 Words à |à 6 PagesIntroduction Today, the play The Death of a Salesman is celebrated in many theatres. The play is regarded as one of the finest dramas of American theater play. It was written in 1949 by an American playwright Arthur Miller. After the play was produced, it was first opened at the Morosco Theatre and starred Lee J Cobb as Willy Loman, Cameron Mitchell as Happy, Mildred Dunnock as Linda, Howard Smith as Charley and Arthur Kennedy as Biff. The play has been revived on Broadway four times and won manyRead MoreThe Death Of A Salesman857 Words à |à 4 PagesSome stories have stood the test of time. These stories are relatable are leave readers feared perplexed. Oedipus the King is the tragic story of a man whose figurative blindness at a young age lead to his literal blindness at an old age. The Death of a Salesman converts this to a modern society of a man who just wants to do good for his family but doesn t see the effect of his actions. Although 2400 years separate these stories, readers can still relate to both the same. The genre of tragedy is interpretedRead MoreDeath of a Salesman990 Words à |à 4 PagesDiscuss ââ¬Å"Death of a Salesmanâ⬠as a film. How could this film be more film-like? The well known late 1980ââ¬â¢s play Death of a Salesman was beautifully crafted and opened my mind up to the reality of some peopleââ¬â¢s fantasies. When I first began to watch the play, I had immediately noticed that it was a play and not a movie. Usually in a film, there is a hero, heroine, climax, something they are fighting for, and usually (nine times out of ten) a happy, heroic ending. This movie included none, atRead MoreDeath of a Salesman606 Words à |à 3 PagesWilly Loman: Victim of the American Dream Arthur Millerââ¬â¢s Death of a Salesman tells the tale of Willy Loman, a man who falls from the top of the capitalism system in a resonant crash. Being controlled by his fears of the future, and stuck in his memories of the past, Willy fully contributes to his self-victimization by putting little blame on his own mistakes. Although Willy is perceived as selfish, it is important to see that he is misguided. His character is one of a common man, he has neverRead MoreThe, Death Of A Salesman909 Words à |à 4 Pagesdesire to be the breadwinners of the family, wish to achieve only success, become unemotional and might take dangerous risk to prove manhood. Many feminist novels, plays or short stories such as Frankenstein, ââ¬Å"A Dollhouseâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Yellow Wallpaperâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Death of a Salesmanâ⬠showcase the ill effects of gender roles. Women had to fight to have the same advantages and opportunities that men possess. Before modern times, many people would believe that a woman s place is in the home but now it is common for the modernRead MoreThe Death Of A Salesman1024 Words à |à 5 PagesVictoria Gutierrez Professor Gilbreath Drama 10 6 April 2015 1026 Words The Death of A Salesman San Joaquin Delta College presented Arthur Miller s Death of A Salesman on Sunday the twenty-second of March at 2 o clock in the afternoon. This play is about a young man and his father coming to terms with the past and their futures. Willy Loman, an old salesman, is dealing with both financial and health difficulties. He is put under even more pressure when his unsuccessful son, Biff, returnsRead MoreThe Death Of A Salesman859 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Death of a Salesman is a heart-wrenching story of a man named Willie, and his fight for economic freedom. The story takes place in 1931, and it starts off with Willieââ¬â¢s faint memory of his father, who was a flute maker and a salesman. Willie is a sixty three-year-old salesman who has work his entire life to achieve the common goal of the American Dream. Nevertheless, while trying to achieve economic freedom he ends up becoming trapped in the process. Willie in a lot of ways, died before his carRead MoreDeath of a Salesman915 Words à |à 4 PagesDefine The American Dream. In what way does Death of a Salesman point out the hopelessness of chasing this dream? Are there any rewards? The idea of the American Dream is truly subjective. To some, it is living in the lap of luxury in all aspects. To others, it is a chance at a better brighter opportunity for themselves or their families. Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman portrays the promise of the American Dream in the form of opportunity, freedom, success and wealth; the ability to acquireRead MoreThe Death Of A Salesman995 Words à |à 4 PagesHope Millerââ¬â¢s play, The Death of a Salesman (1949) was about a family, and their struggles for the American dream. The family composition was not unlike that of an average family, a mom, a dad, and two children. Mom, Linda, tended to the house, oversaw the finances, as well as the lives of the remaining family members. Dad, Willy, supported the family as an on-the-road salesman. At first, Willyââ¬â¢s outbursts were confusing, but as I read the outbursts began to unfold the meanings buried in the storylineRead MoreDeath of a Salesman1278 Words à |à 6 PagesSteve Flatley Flatley 1 Mr. Nevels English 102 June 17, 2010 The Struggle Within There is a complete descent into madness evident in Millerââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Death of a Salesman.â⬠The struggle Willy Lowman has come to endure during a life of lies and false hope is portrayed very well by Millerââ¬â¢s use of dialogue, stage comments, prologue, and time and perhaps best shown by the use of dialogue and character interaction. By putting all of these elements to good use Miller paints a perfect picture as
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Does the Definition of Human Life Stop Abortion Being Murder free essay sample
For different groups/people, abortion would or would not be seen as murder according to how they define life. The view of human life from the perspective of Catholics would be that life starts, and instrument happens at conception. Therefore the fetus is a separate life, so any deliberate elimination of the fetus would be classed as murder. Humanists would disagree with this view since they believe that the fetus is not a separate life until after birth.Therefore to abort the fetus would not be seen as murder. Feminist Humanists hold the same view on abortion, considering that until birth the fetus is a growth inside the mother. The view that the fetus is merely a growth in the mother could however be argued against on medical grounds. At the abortion limit of 24 weeks a fetus has viability with a 50-75% chance of surviving, only 4 weeks later these rates would rise to a 75-80% chance of survival. We will write a custom essay sample on Does the Definition of Human Life Stop Abortion Being Murder or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page At these viability points the fetus can clearly be defined as a separate individual. As well as this, at 8-12 weeks old the central nervous system (CONS) of the fetus is developed to the stage of consciousness and self-awareness. This could also count the fetus as a separate individual because it would now be able to feel. Since both the arguments concerning viability and consciousness can count the fetus as a separate individual, to abort it would be seen as murder.Despite the fact that the CONS of a fetus Is developed to consciousness at 8-12 weeks, at any time before 19 weeks a fetus cannot survive alone, which could classify It as not being a separate life. This view would not count abortion as murder. The stage where the fetus has a developed CONS at 8-12 weeks Is a similar age to when Muslims believe that the Our enters the body, at between 45 and 90 days. Abortion Is seen as murder In Islam, although It can also be seen as being self-defense in tuitions where the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother. One of the biggest defining factors of whether people believe that abortion Is murder or not, Is their personal view of when or If the fetus Is classed as a separate life. In the view of Humanists, their definition of human life Is that the fetus Is not a separate being. This would stop abortion from being murder. However, from the viewpoints of many religions or people who make their defenseless based on medical reasons such as viability or the development of the CONS, abortion would be seen as murder.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Diversity In Toons Essays - Kingdom Hearts Characters, Piglet
Diversity In Toons In comparing children's programs for their use of cultural diversity I watched several segments of Rugrats, Winnie the Pooh, and Out of the Box. The animated programs, Rugrats and Winnie the Pooh, dealt with diversity in much the same way. Out of the Box, however, was put together on a different level. The Rugrats is a delightful cartoon about a group of adventurous babies that are always getting into one thing or the other. The baby's personalities are all quite different and ones weakness is offset by another ones strengths. Tommy, a very intelligent, articulate, courageous, and compassionate one year old is the leader of the group. His best friend Chuckie is a neurotic two-year-old who is afraid of his own shadow! Phil and Lil, the twins from next door, look alike, think alike, and would follow Tommy Pickles to the ends of the earth. They love the adventures, the messier and scarier the better! They are the lovers of mud-pies, bugs, and moldy things. Tommy's older cousin, Angelica, rounds out the group as the spoiled rotten princess who bullies the babies and manipulates the adults. Angelica has one friend, other than the babies, a black girl her age named Susie who she is always in competition with. The adults in the show represent even more diverse groups. Tommy's Dad, Stu, is an absent-minded toy inventor who loves his son dearly but tends to let his preoccupation with his inventions rule his world. His wife, Didi, is your classic, practical, overprotective mother that is on a quest to be the world's most perfect mother. She, however, is completely unaware of just how much Tommy knows and understands. Tommy's Uncle Drew is a boring investment banker that dotes on Angelica and seriously believes that she is an angel. Aunt Charlotte, on the other hand, is the professional corporate type workaholic and assuages her guilt by lavishing Angelica with undeserved gifts. Betty Deville, Didi's best friend and the twin's mother, is a loud, big, and friendly woman who lives for her twins. Her husband, Howard, is the quiet techno-nerd type that hangs in the background. Chuckie's Dad, Chaz (Charles Sr.) Finster is a whiny, neurotic worrier and a single parent. After a few seconds with Chaz it's obvious where Chuckie gets his personality. Last, but certainly not least , there's Stu's and Drew's Dad and Tommy's Grandpa. Grandpa is the cantankerous old geezer with a soft spot for his grandson. He tends to over indulge the babies and lives somewhere between the adult and Rugrat world. The second animated show, Winnie the Pooh, also has a cast of diverse characters. There's Pooh, a wonderful bear with a huge heart and a little brain. He has a happy and helpful nature and an innocence that makes him a very straightforward character. Pooh bear's best friend is Piglet. He's portrayed as a small a fearful type but is actually the most courageous creature in the 100-Acre Wood. Piglet can face anything with his friend Pooh at his side. Next there is Eeyore my personal favorite. Eeyore is a gloomy-Gus donkey that pretends not to care what anyone thinks. He's the group's resident pessimist who secretly loves when his friends appreciate him. Tigger is the bouncy, one of a kind Tiger that has a wonderful self-image and is brimming with enthusiasm. The last main character is Rabbit. Rabbit is the solid citizen that always has a plan for something or other, usually to teach Tigger some kind of lesson. He loves nothing more than to tend his garden and keep everyone in order, al though Tigger usually is in his way! Both Rugrats and Winnie the Pooh are geared for young children. They do, however, appeal to the older segment of children. Discriminations and prejudices about race and ethnic groups are not openly portrayed and addressed they are, however, present. In my opinion the interaction of the characters deal with different types of diversity every day. Whether it's the way in which the characters interact with each other or the choices they make when they find themselves faced with something new and different. I don't believe that this type of programming would confuse a child because it
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Death and How You Can Heal It
Death and How You Can Heal It Free Online Research Papers This note is for you, just for you, as i missed being with you every single day, seeing you grow with me. The way you used to smile at me every morning waving your wide spread arms. What havent we shared? Where have you gone? When i saw your face, i knew i was doing okay. The life that was to recede was brought back by you. Now youre gone. The day is not far. Ill be gone in no time too! Where have those days when you shrouded me when the storm blew everything up gone? Where have those days when you gave me all the warmth when i was stamped by all gone? Where have those days when you gave me a wide spread smile every morning gone? Where have those days when you gave me shelter during times of floods gone? Where have those days when we enjoyed the bliss of dancing in rain together gone? I am here, a thousand miles away from you. Broken heart. Those dark secrets that we shared, those conversations that only us and none were able to understand has gone by the wind. You cant make this any good, for youre taken; youre plundered from the very root. Those trucks, bulldozers and the people just din leave you here. Its so hard. I tried so fiercely, but nothing went well. I stood back holding my tears, seeing those imprint of your roots. Seeing you go so far and then you vanished in no time. I stood here for years unaccompanied, none to shroud, warm, or dance with me. Today i am 100 years old i believe, waiting to get my parts chopped to make oils, papers and cup boards. I am happy today for i am going to be no longer alone. Its time for me. I am happy today as i think about this. Those tears with which i stood still when they took you away, the warmth that i missed for years, the rain dance that never made me happy after you were gone, have all withered like dead petals now. And as i am chopped now, i again reiterate, i am gone too with the wind in no time! This wont change. They want us badly. I am taken in the truck. I go with them seeing the imprints of my roots. How much those deep roots have seen. Tears.Smile.Hug.What not? I look back to see if anyone is crying for me, and i just see a bright sun shine! And i was gone! Research Papers on Death and How You Can Heal ItThe Spring and AutumnHip-Hop is ArtPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThe Hockey GameBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceTwilight of the UAWMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New Employees
Monday, February 24, 2020
Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6
Reflection - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear thatà as a health care provider, having spirituality assists in enhancing the confidence of the patients through meditation and prayer, which gives them, hope of healing and quick recovery. The spirituality aspect enhances the patientââ¬â¢s belief that the medication they are undergoing is going to be effective in curing them. It also serves to enable the health care provider, be in a position to offer pastoral counseling to the patients, which boosts their spirit and comforts them amidst their sad and lonely feeling. Being spiritual goes a long way to ensure that patients understand the connection between life and death, affording patients comfort even when they are on the verge of passing on, by making them accept death as a part of transition.à This paper discusses that the difference in dealing with acute and chronic patients spirituality is that while the acute patientââ¬â¢s spirituality is pointed towards accepting the fate of death, t he chronic patientââ¬â¢s spirituality is pointed towards giving them confidence that medication is going to restore their health. The need for spirituality in children and families is to enhance their acceptance of illnesses and find meaning in them, while evoking for their compassion and forgiveness towards each other. The reporter's vision of the role of a spiritual provider in patients spiritual needs have been changed to point to the direction of religious intercession.
Friday, February 7, 2020
Cloud Migration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Cloud Migration - Research Paper Example The Amazon may be able to exploit the service opportunity provided by the Amazon Web Services (HORNE, 2011). In the year 2011, the Amazon Web Services (AWS) was responsible for the profit gain of approximately $1.19 billion as estimated in a report. In October, same year the business was estimated as a billion-dollar run rate and out of which around $108 million or 9% was mentioned as a pure profit for Amazon Web Services. However the company was able to maintain its profit gaining history constantly by lowering the cost spent on cloud services. This is acknowledged because the company utilizes a cost-plus pricing model. In addition, the cost of delivering the services adds up to 10% premium that continues to fall as, Amazon leverages its economies of scale to purchase and operate more gear and bandwidth at less prices. Though, the margin related to profit remains flat as mentioned in a report. Conversely, the Amazon Web Services (AWS) compromises on a particular portion of Amazonâ⠬â¢s overall technology expense in order to drive slowly, predictable profit from it is a good thing. The analysts estimate that the non-AWS technology expenditures is approximately 4 percent of the total sales ââ¬Å"representing the largest opportunity for operating margin expansion in the near-term.â⬠The cost lowering technique leads the company towards great percentage of profit. Conversely, the report submitted by the Morgan Stanley does not represent the possibility for the Amazon Web Service (AWS) to actually start rising on a margin because the company is expanding its services beyond pure infrastructure and managed services (HORNE, 2011). The database services NoSQL DynamoDB for instance; it provides a service for the Amazon that helps the company to add value or cost outside the delivery services of Cloud-based infrastructure. There is also stories of a huge data analytics services that are able to provide higher-level services as compared to Amazon Web Service (AW S) and its current Elastic Map Reduce offerings. However, there is still a possibility of AWS expanding its licensing activities as it is embedded as the de facto clod computing platforms for several companies, other service providers and software specialist. Adobe The Adobe has announced two new achievements in order to remain relevant as a desktop computing. Following are the two new acquisitions a creative cloud to augment its Creative Suite software and a handful of touch-based tablets apps. Equally, the company has launched its existing released Flash Player 11 and Air 33 updates. Adobe said that it had acquired Type kit, an online font provider, and that it has signed an agreementà to acquire Nitobi, creator of the open-source HTML5-based mobile development framework Phone Gap and Build, a hosted development and app creation service (Rossello, 2011). In a conference call for the press, Adobe VP of product management Lea Hickman described the company's news as a major initiat ive that radically redefines the creative process. CTO Kevin Lynch called the company's Creative Cloud "a major component in the transformation of
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Banking Industry Essay Example for Free
Banking Industry Essay The Banking Industry was once a simple and reliable business that took deposits from investors at a lower interest rate and loaned it out to borrowers at a higher rate. However deregulation and technology led to a revolution in the Banking Industry that saw it transformed. Banks have become global industrial powerhouses that have created ever more complex products that use risk and securitisation in models that only PhD students can understand. Through technology development, banking services have become available 24 hours a day, 365 days a week, through ATMs, at online bankings, and in electronically enabled exchanges where everything from stocks to currency futures contracts can be traded . The Banking Industry at its core provides access to credit. In the lenders case, this includes access to their own savings and investments, and interest payments on those amounts. In the case of borrowers, it includes access to loans for the creditworthy, at a competitive interest rate. Banking services include transactional services, such as verification of account details, account balance details and the transfer of funds, as well as advisory services, that help individuals and institutions to properly plan and manage their finances. Online banking channels have become key in the last 10 years. The collapse of the Banking Industry in the Financial Crisis, however, means that some of the more extreme risk-taking and complex securitisation activities that banks increasingly engaged in since 2000 will be limited and carefully watched, to ensure that there is not another banking system meltdown in the future. Mortgage banking has been encompassing for the publicity or promotion of the various mortgage loans to investors as well as individuals in the mortgage business. Online banking services has developed the banking practices easier worldwide. Banking in the small business sector plays an important role. Find various banking services available for small businesses. Management Management in all business and organizational activities is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals andobjectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal.Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, andnatural resources. Since organizations can be viewed as systems, management can also be defined as human action, including design, to facilitate the production of useful outcomes from a system. This view opens the opportunity to manage oneself, a prerequisite to attempting to manage others. Basic functions Management operates through various functions, often classified as planning, organizing, staffing, leading/directing, controlling/monitoring and motivation. * Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the future (today, next week, next month, next year, over the next five years, etc.) and generating plans for action. * Organizing: (Implementation)pattern of relationships among workers, making optimum use of the resources required to enable the successful carrying out of plans. * Staffing: Job analysis, recruitment and hiring for appropriate jobs. * Leading/directing: Determining what must be done in a situation and getting people to do it. * Controlling/monitoring: Checking progress against plans. * Motivation: Motivation is also a kind of basic function of management, because without motivation, employees cannot work effectively. If motivation does not take place in an organization, then employees may not contribute to the other functions (which are usually set by top-level management). Basic roles * Interpersonal: roles that involve coordination and interaction with employees. * Informational: roles that involve handling, sharing, and analyzing information. * Decisional: roles that require decision-making. Management skills * Political: used to build a power base and establish connections. * Conceptual: used to analyze complex situations. * Interpersonal: used to communicate, motivate, mentor and delegate. * Diagnostic: ability to visualize most appropriate response to a situation. * Technical: Expertise in ones particular functional area.. Business Ethics Business ethics (also corporate ethics) is a form of applied ethics or professional ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations. Business ethics has both normative and descriptive dimensions. As a corporate practice and a career specialization, the field is primarily normative. Academics attempting to understand business behavior employ descriptive methods. The range and quantity of business ethical issues reflects the interaction of profit-maximizing behavior with non-economic concerns. Interest in business ethics accelerated dramatically during the 1980s and 1990s, both within major corporations and within academia. For example, today most major corporations promote their commitment to non-economic values under headings such as ethics codes and social responsibility charters. Adam Smith said, People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.[1] Governments use laws and regulations to point business behavior in what they perceive to be beneficial directions. Ethics implicitly regulates areas and details of behavior that lie beyond Business ethics reflects the philosophy of business, one of whose aims is to determine the fundamental purposes of a company. If a companys purpose is to maximize shareholder returns, then sacrificing profits to other concerns is a violation of its fiduciary responsibility. Corporate entities are legally considered as persons in USA and in most nations. The corporate persons are legally entitled to the rights and liabilities due to citizens as persons. Economist Milton Friedman writes that corporate executives responsibility generally will be to make as much money as possible while conforming to their basic rules of the society, both those embodied in law and those embodied in ethical custom Friedman also said, the only entities who can have responsibilities are individuals A business cannot have responsibilities. So the question is, do corporate executives, provided they stay within the law, have responsibilities in their business activities other than to make as much money for their stockholders as possible? And my answer to that is, no, they do not. A multi-country 2011 survey found support for this view among the informed public ranging from 30 to 80%. Duska views Friedmans argument as consequentialistrather than pragmatic, implying that unrestrained corporate freedom would benefit the most in long term. [ Similarly author business consultant Peter Drucker observed, There is neither a separate ethics of business nor is one needed, implying that standards of personal ethics cover all business situations. However, Peter Drucker in another instance observed that the ultimate responsibility of company directors is not to harmââ¬âprimum non nocere. Another view of business is that it must exhibit corporate social responsibility (CSR): an umbrella term indicating that an ethical business must act as a responsible citizen of the communities in which it operates even at the cost of profits or other goals.In the US and most other nations corporate entities are legally treated as persons in some respects. For example, they can hold title to property, sue and be sued and are subject to taxation, although their free speech rights are limited. This can be interpreted to imply that they have independent ethical responsibilities. Duska argues that stakeholders have the right to expect a business to be ethical; if business has no ethical obligations, other institutions could make the same claim which would be counterproductive to the corporation. Ethical issues include the rights and duties between a company and its employees, suppliers, customers and neighbors, its fiduciaryresponsibility to its shareholders. Issues concerning relations between different companies include hostile take-overs and industrial espionage. Related issues include corporate governance;corporate social entrepreneurship; political contributions; legal issues such as the ethical debate over introducing a crime of corporate manslaughter; and the marketing of corporations ethics policies.According to IBE/ Ipsos MORI research published in late 2012, the three major areas of public concern regarding business ethics in Britain are executive pay, corporate tax avoidance and bribery and corruption.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin In The Sun Essay -- essays research pap
Lorraine Hansberryââ¬â¢s novel, A Raisin in the Sun, revolves around a middle-class African-American family, struggling during World War II. By reading about the Youngerââ¬â¢s true to life experiences, one learns many important life lessons. One of the aforementioned would be that a person should always put familyââ¬â¢s needs before their own. There are many examples of this throughout the novel. Just a few of these would be the example of Ruth and her unborn baby, Walter regaining the respect of his family, and Mama and her unselfish ways. à à à à à The first event that shows one should always put family before oneself is the case of Ruth and her unborn baby. At first, Ruth is thinking about having an abortion, and has already paid a five-dollar down payment to the doctor. She explains to Walter her reasoning for such drastic measures by saying, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦Iââ¬âIââ¬â¢m sorry about this new baby, Walter. I guess maybe I better go on and do what I startedâ⬠¦ I guess I just didnââ¬â¢t realize how bad things was with usâ⬠¦ I guess I just didnââ¬â¢t realize.â⬠(87) Ruth is going to destroy this baby because she feels that she and Walter just do not have enough money to support another family member, and feels that she and Walter will only bring the baby into a world of fighting. Beneatha also has influence on Ruthââ¬â¢s decision by asking, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ where is he going to live? On the roof?â⬠(58). Beneatha feels that if Ruth has another baby it would just complicate the living situation, which is strenuous enough as it is. Later, even with all of this negat ive energy, Ruth comes to realize that she should not take the life of her baby and decides to keep it. One of her reasons for this change of heart is that her and Walter have been getting along much better, and their constant fighting was one of the main reasons she did not want to have the baby in the first place. Also, now that they are all moving into a new house, there will be enough room for the baby. In the end, although having an abortion seems like an easy way out, Ruth instead thinks about the babyââ¬â¢s life rather than her own, and chooses not to terminate her pregnancy. Another example that proves this, is when Walter gives away his and Beneatha's money to buy a liquor store, and loses it all. He then tries to get the money back by selling their new house to Mr. Lindner, although the only reason Mr. Lindner wants to buy it is becau... ... buy the family a new house so that Travis would have a better place to grow up. Mama could have spent that money on something she wanted, but instead bought something that would make the whole family happy. After she buys their new house, Mama gives Beneatha $3000 dollars towards college and gives Walter $3500 dollars to better his future. Mama has given all of the insurance money to the people she cares about, and kept none of it for herself. She thought about her childrenââ¬â¢s future and decided to invest the money towards a better life for them. This is a very unselfish act on Mamaââ¬â¢s part, a perfect example of putting family before oneself. Although sometimes people can get wrapped up in events that they feel only concern themselves, they should always take a moment to think about how their actions could be affecting the people they love. Friends will always come and go, but family is forever. If a person wants to stay close to their family, they have to consider things from both theirs and the other personââ¬â¢s points of view. For love, people have to sacrifice things that they might not want to, but they have to love their families enough to help them before they help themselves. Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin In The Sun Essay -- essays research pap Lorraine Hansberryââ¬â¢s novel, A Raisin in the Sun, revolves around a middle-class African-American family, struggling during World War II. By reading about the Youngerââ¬â¢s true to life experiences, one learns many important life lessons. One of the aforementioned would be that a person should always put familyââ¬â¢s needs before their own. There are many examples of this throughout the novel. Just a few of these would be the example of Ruth and her unborn baby, Walter regaining the respect of his family, and Mama and her unselfish ways. à à à à à The first event that shows one should always put family before oneself is the case of Ruth and her unborn baby. At first, Ruth is thinking about having an abortion, and has already paid a five-dollar down payment to the doctor. She explains to Walter her reasoning for such drastic measures by saying, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦Iââ¬âIââ¬â¢m sorry about this new baby, Walter. I guess maybe I better go on and do what I startedâ⬠¦ I guess I just didnââ¬â¢t realize how bad things was with usâ⬠¦ I guess I just didnââ¬â¢t realize.â⬠(87) Ruth is going to destroy this baby because she feels that she and Walter just do not have enough money to support another family member, and feels that she and Walter will only bring the baby into a world of fighting. Beneatha also has influence on Ruthââ¬â¢s decision by asking, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ where is he going to live? On the roof?â⬠(58). Beneatha feels that if Ruth has another baby it would just complicate the living situation, which is strenuous enough as it is. Later, even with all of this negat ive energy, Ruth comes to realize that she should not take the life of her baby and decides to keep it. One of her reasons for this change of heart is that her and Walter have been getting along much better, and their constant fighting was one of the main reasons she did not want to have the baby in the first place. Also, now that they are all moving into a new house, there will be enough room for the baby. In the end, although having an abortion seems like an easy way out, Ruth instead thinks about the babyââ¬â¢s life rather than her own, and chooses not to terminate her pregnancy. Another example that proves this, is when Walter gives away his and Beneatha's money to buy a liquor store, and loses it all. He then tries to get the money back by selling their new house to Mr. Lindner, although the only reason Mr. Lindner wants to buy it is becau... ... buy the family a new house so that Travis would have a better place to grow up. Mama could have spent that money on something she wanted, but instead bought something that would make the whole family happy. After she buys their new house, Mama gives Beneatha $3000 dollars towards college and gives Walter $3500 dollars to better his future. Mama has given all of the insurance money to the people she cares about, and kept none of it for herself. She thought about her childrenââ¬â¢s future and decided to invest the money towards a better life for them. This is a very unselfish act on Mamaââ¬â¢s part, a perfect example of putting family before oneself. Although sometimes people can get wrapped up in events that they feel only concern themselves, they should always take a moment to think about how their actions could be affecting the people they love. Friends will always come and go, but family is forever. If a person wants to stay close to their family, they have to consider things from both theirs and the other personââ¬â¢s points of view. For love, people have to sacrifice things that they might not want to, but they have to love their families enough to help them before they help themselves.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Mother and Twin Brothers Eli Essay
In The Droughtlanders, by Carrie Mac, Twin brothers Eli and Seth, both Keylanders, live inside a privileged and protected city surrounded by huge walls to protect them from the filthy, sick Droughlanders. Eliââ¬â¢s mother teaches him to view Droughtlanders sympathetically and Eli changes his opinion about them. As a result Eli joins a rebellion group against the Keylands. Initially Seth is furious about Eliââ¬â¢s decision and attempts to hunt Eli and kill him but ultimately realizes the truth and joins his brother. At the beginning Eli and Seth have a bitter hate for each other which intensifies due to their different view points regarding the Droughtlanders. In the end, they make up and the hate they had between them fades away. Right from the start Eli and Seth do not get along, this relationship soon turns into hate and distrust between them. Near the end Seth also changes his mind about Droughtlanders and they get along. From the beginning Eli and Seth dislike each other because of Sethââ¬â¢s constant harassment. Seth is constantly making harsh jokes about Eliââ¬â¢s bladder problem, ââ¬Å"do you have to sit down like a girl?â⬠(36). This quote shows how Seth bullies Eli. Seth and Eli get in a lot of fights and Seth says mean thinks like ââ¬Å"If father wasnââ¬â¢t in the room Iââ¬â¢d kick your face inâ⬠(44). Seth bullies Eli because he thinks that he is weak and pathetic. After getting in yet another fight Seth says to Eli ââ¬Å"You really are a baby. Get a diaper, Elizaâ⬠(55). Eli hates Sethââ¬â¢s bullying and they never get along. They have always had a poor relationship, but it becomes worse once Eli sympathizes with the Droughtlanders. Seth and Eliââ¬â¢s relationship and distrust gets even worse. When the explosion goes off where their mother is, Eli cries ââ¬Å"Maman. She was in there, Sethâ⬠(45). Eli had a very strong connection with his mom, but Seth not so much. Eli tells Seth how their father killed their mother and Seth whispers into his ear ââ¬Å"Say that one more time, or to anyone else, ever, and I will kill youâ⬠(54). This quote demonstrates how seriously angry they are with each other. Eli tries to tell Seth that their mother was a rebel but Seth responds ââ¬Å"That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard you sayâ⬠(56). This quote illustrates how much distrust they have between them. When Eli secretly leaves to look for the Droughtlander rebels, Seth views him as a traitor and this betrayal leads to Seth hunting Eli. When Seth finally catches up with Eli, he tells Seth the truth about their motherââ¬â¢s death and how their father was responsible. Seth also comes to accept the Droughtlanders for the decent and ill-treated people they are. Eli and Seth find each other in a forest. ââ¬Å"When Eli heard the name heââ¬â¢s not been called in so long, he felt some thing snap with a sharp, invigorating pain. Keenly aware of his intentions, he brought out his own knife and in one fluid motion flicked the wider blade open, turned and plunged the knife through Sethââ¬â¢s pants and as deep as it would goâ⬠(300). It is this moment that Seth gains respect for Eli and starts to question his own beliefs. After Seth is captured he does his sin inventory and comes to realize how horrible of a person he was. Although Eli is still very angry with Seth, Seth says, ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m sorry, Eli, for being such a terrible brotherâ⬠(317). This is the start to their relationship reuniting. They discuss and finally agree about the tragic events that lead to their motherââ¬â¢s death. Sabine, their triplet sister, is also there and for the first time they all connect peacefully. During the circus they all collapse and are sent to the infirmary. ââ¬Å"They speculated on why only now they felt a connectionâ⬠(323). They figured it was because this was the first time they were all happy together. In the end, Seth and Eli are no longer enemies and can be happy. The relationship between Seth and Eli started with mutual hostility and ended in admiration. It is a unique relationship between Seth and Eli in search of the truth. Eli pursues the truth of his mothers legacy as Seth searches for the truth about Eliââ¬â¢s defection.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Organisational Context of Education and Training Free Essay Example, 750 words
The parents in our institution are organized into various parents associations whereby all the parents having children in the institution are expected to be registered. The parents in these associations enjoy the democratic right of choosing their leaders and every member parent stands an equal chance of being elected into the leadership posts. They are burdened with the responsibility of airing their views as regards to the curriculum development and implementation and forward them to the district curriculum development (Broadbent, Gallop Laughlin 2010). As teachers, we have also attempted to organize ourselves into groups specializing in curriculum drafting and also other groups known as the evaluation teams. These teams work towards drafting, evaluating and making amendments to the curriculum in order to be at par with the current technology in the education sector. Some of our groups look into the school curriculum and try checking out if the curriculum is worth being applied t o the institution long before the students get into class and start learning (Cameron Fairbrass 2004). The institution possesses a body known as the professional counselors association which is given the responsibility of electing leaders despite the fact that these leaders have to be endorsed by the curriculum development committee of the district. We will write a custom essay sample on Organisational Context of Education and Training or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page
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